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Trip Report
Aberdeen, MD
Pack 802 Popcorn Fundraiser Interest Survey
Pack 802 leadership is making plans to participate in the annual Baltimore Area Council popcorn sales fundraiser. Scouts that participate in the fundraiser help to keep out-of-pocket costs low for everyone and earn funds in their personal scout account to "pay their own way" for scouting expenses. Please answer the following questions so that we can gauge the level of interest and build up the team to help support it. Additionally, we would love to hear your feedback if you have alternative ideas for fundraisers.
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Scout Name
Will your scout participate in the popcorn sale fundraiser?
What is your scout's sales goal?
Zero. We are not participating
~$200. Supports the pack and earn a patch.
~$500. Covers annual recharter fee.
~$1200. All-in level. Covers recharter and all pack events for the year plus receive Council High Achiever reward (e.g. Orioles Baseball Tickets).
~$2000. All-in Plus. Scout pays his/her way for a full year of scouting plus summer day camp.
~$3500. Super-achiever. Earn free day-camp or resident camp.
Note: These levels represent approximate return based on prior year commission structure and ~50/50 split between pack/scout. Final commission details and split will be determined by the Pack Committee and provided at Popcorn kickoff meeting in July 2023.
We need to build a team of leaders to support this fundraiser. Please indicate if you are willing to help with any/all of these tasks.
I am willing to drive to the council warehouse and pickup inventory for the pack
I am willing to drive to other unit leader homes to pickup/transfer inventory as required
I am willing to help organize a neighborhood blitz where multiple scouts perform wagon sales (door to door) as a group
I am willing to help schedule storefront sales by talking to local business owners about setting up a table in front of their location
I have a strong online presence and am willing to heavily promote the online sales campaign with my scout
I am willing to talk with local businesses (real estate, auto dealerships, insurance, etc) about promotional partnerships (large purchases for their customers)
I am willing to help behind the scenes by periodically reconciling inventory on hand with sales records
I am willing to help manage the sale using the Trails End web portal and provide oversight for the Pack's sale
N/A. I am unwilling to help the popcorn leadership team.
General Feedback
Please used this space to provide any information that may be helpful to the Pack Committee regarding fundraising. For example, please note ideas for making the fundraiser more efficient or ideas for potential storefront locations. Alternatively, we are also interested in potential barriers keeping your scout from selling popcorn, suggestions for alternative fundraisers, or if you would rather just pay more out of pocket instead of fundraising.