This Cub Scout Wolf adventure explores multiple ways that we use math in our daily lives. Through the completion of this adventure, scouts will have an opportunity to play a couple of different games that use math to keep score. Scouts may play the games provided in the example or create their own fun games. Additionally, scouts will learn perform two craft activities to create a counting device as well as a rain gauge. Scouts will also learn about using graphs to display data. Finally, scouts will learn about secret codes and will have a chance to share their own secret messages with their friends.
This video was created in support of the Baltimore Area Council Summer Camp in a Box program for 2020 as a replacement for in person day camp. The video embedded below provides all of the instructions and guidance needed for a scout to perform this adventure independently or with their den. Some of the materials needed to complete this adventure include card stock, beads, string, tape, a deck of cards, a plastic bottle, and the spy kit provided in the adventure box. Scouts that do not have the spy kit may create their own code wheel using the handout linked to the right under the resources tab.